Creating in 3-Dimensions: January 23 - March 1, 2025
Press Release
Full Circle Arts to Host an Awards Reception and Opening Event for the Creating in 3-Dimensions Exhibition Hickory, NC, January 14, 2025 – Full Circle Arts (FCA) invites the Hickory area community to attend the gallery’s first event of 2025, the opening reception for the “Creating in 3-Dimensions” art competition and exhibition. The reception will honor the three-dimensional art competition winners and will be held from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM on Thursday, January 23 at the Full Circle Arts gallery. Awards will be announced and presented to the winning artists at the event. The three-dimensional pieces in the show were executed in a variety of media and are free-standing, suspended or wall-hanging art works,” said Ellen Schwarzbek, FCA president. The submitted works were judged by Kathi Yarnall, an award-winning artist, sculptor and art instructor, who considered quality of image and effectiveness of presentation in selecting the winning entries from the submitted three-dimensional works. The winning works and other pieces entered in the competition will be on display in the gallery January 23 - March 1, 2025. Refreshments will be provided by the members of Full Circle Arts. For more information about the event, go to Full Circle Arts’ website: |
Jenna Bailey
October 31 - November 30, 2024
Jenna enjoys an artmaking process where she can freely explore ideas across a wide range of artistic mediums including drypoint etchings, paintings, silk screens, encaustics, and ceramics.
jenna bailey bio
Jenna is an artist and art educator located in Lenoir, North Carolina. She earned a BFA in Art Education with a painting concentration from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has taught high school level art for 15 years and is a member of the Brush & Palette Club of Caldwell County. She enjoys an artmaking process where she can freely explore ideas across a wide range of artistic mediums including drypoint etchings, paintings, silk screens, encaustics, and ceramics. She often works with female portraits as she tries to capture the beauty of humanity and our connection with nature. Many of her recent artworks are inspired by her interest in uncommon or intriguing words. |
Exhibition dates: Oct. 31-Nov. 30, 2024.
Entries were hand delivered to, and will be picked up from, 42-B Third St. NW, Hickory (next door to McGuire’s Pub), Dec. 6-7.
Phone: 828-322-7545 email: [email protected] Vertical Divider
Award winners
Congratulations to winners of the competition. First prize: Back Door Shadows, Winter, 2019 by Randy Blake Clontz, oil on panel Second prize: untitled #2 by Mark Hickman, silver gelatin print Third prize: Pairings by Meredith Janssen, watercolor Click images below to see larger preview. Honorable mentions:
September 14 - October 19, 2024 Victoria Morales and Chris Witherspoon |
Click the names below to see the artists bios and their art previously in the brick gallery.
Native from Chile, Victoria is a Forestry Engineer with a Master of Science in Environmental Management. She moved to the USA 21 years ago. She lived in High Point, NC for 14 years, and now she resides in Hickory, NC. In the USA, she has actively worked as Spanish Interpreter and Spanish teacher, as well as being involved in the High Point and Las Vegas International Furniture Markets, Cub Scouts of America, Health and School Systems, and Artistic and Cultural events. Currently, she works for a non-profit where she can pursue her passions for helping others, education, the environment, and visual arts through the community. Victoria has been painting for almost two decades. Her favorite media is oil. She loves to paint landscapes, flowers, and people from different places from around the world. She aims to make a difference and spread knowledge through her artwork. “I like to paint objects and themes where light plays a key role, creating unique patterns and values of shades, allowing me to interplay with fascinating tones of warm and cold colors. Bright colors are also fundamental for my art. I truly enjoy incorporating them in all of my paintings in order to show the richness and contrasts of the different cultures and their unique landscapes.” cHRIS WITHERSPOON ART
As a native of Hickory, North Carolina, I love everything this state has to offer. From the majestic Great Smoky Mountains to the ever- changing coastal Outer Banks, there is no better place to draw inspiration for my art. For me, my art is a great stress reliever. My paintings are primarily landscapes and present a sense of peace for the viewer. I have worked in healthcare for over 3 decades. It was only after my victory over cancer that I began to paint. I work in multiple mediums including alcohol ink, acrylics, and pastels. However, my love is watercolor. I enjoy the flow of the colors and the freedom that I feel when painting with this medium. I am a self-taught artist. I have joined groups such as Foothills Painters and Unifour Artists in the area to help expand my art experience and knowledge. The artists in these groups are not only amazing, but they have become my family. I continue to grow with their help. |
Auction extended!
We are extending the auction until Saturday, October 19, 2024. |
Full Circle Arts' Fifteenth Silent Auction was extended until Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024.
The auction was to help Full Circle Arts, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, continue to fund its gallery, educational programs, competitions, and events. Click sections below to see some of the auction items.
Not all items listed are still available. Come by the gallery during our normal business hours to make your bids. fine art and prints
Pottery Show and Sale September 7 to 21.
Several well-known pottery artists showed their wares: Gin Hurley, Debra Zimmerman, Carla Brandel and Varian Swieter.
Don't miss seeing their work during the downtown Hickory Art Crawl September 19.
Several well-known pottery artists showed their wares: Gin Hurley, Debra Zimmerman, Carla Brandel and Varian Swieter.
Don't miss seeing their work during the downtown Hickory Art Crawl September 19.
Tigersmoon Design |
Groovy Girl Art & Studio |
Virginia "Gin" is an Alternative Fire Ceramic Artist with a Modern Style
Taylorsville, NC [email protected] (828) 781-3836 Vertical Divider
Angry Mare PotteryVertical Divider
Get A Grip StonewareTM |
Exhibition Gallery I and IIMy Personal Inspiration
August 1-31 Photography exhibition and competition, open to all visual artists in the area using photographic media. The purpose of the show is to give area photographers a place to display images that inspire them in their art. Entries have been judged by FanjoyLabrenz, photographers Sally Fanjoy and James Labrenz, visual and conceptual artists who collaborate in art and life. Congratulations to the winners: First prize: Cuban Street Musician by Cynthia Jolly, Second prize: Wooden Topper by Savannah Carson Miller, Third prize: Sophie by Rainey Scarborough. Honorable mentions: Sunflower (HGH) by Renee Abernethy-Miller, Shriek by Jacob Christopher, To Vindolanda by Rob Hooks, Ice Ribbons by Meredith Janssen, Frozen by Amanda Tyler McGuire, Carrots by D.D. Weaver, Peoples Choice, Zion's Eye by Jacob Christopher |
Exhibition Brick Gallery
Opening show begins on Thursday, August 1 in the Brick Gallery.
We are honored to host the photography of FanjoyLabrenz and Melissa Gibson. FanjoyLabrenz, photographers Sally Fanjoy and James Labrenz, visual and conceptual artists. Melissa Gibson frame gallery owner. Both businesses are located at 215A First Ave. SW, Hickory, NC 28601. |
Full Circle Arts Member Exhibition
June 27-July 13. A show where FCA Associate and Exhibiting members show the variety of their art. There was a People's Choice award, won by Why Is Kermit the Frog Crying? by Samantha Miller. |
Pet Projects in the Brick Gallery
June 27-July 13. Karen Parker and Walt McGervey shared the Brick Gallery space to present their original works during the Members Exhibit. |
Full Circle Arts members came together for the FCA annual member meeting June 27, 2024.
Associate and Exhibiting members were present and voted for board members and officers. The results: Meredith Janssen, Ellen Schwarzbek, and Julie Stephan were elected as board members for 2024-2026. For 2024-25 Ellen Schwarzbek is President, Michelle Bitler is Vice President, Clay James is Recording Secretary. We're delighted to welcome Julie to the Board.
The meeting was followed by a delicious pot-luck supper.
Associate and Exhibiting members were present and voted for board members and officers. The results: Meredith Janssen, Ellen Schwarzbek, and Julie Stephan were elected as board members for 2024-2026. For 2024-25 Ellen Schwarzbek is President, Michelle Bitler is Vice President, Clay James is Recording Secretary. We're delighted to welcome Julie to the Board.
The meeting was followed by a delicious pot-luck supper.
Full Circle Arts Open Competition May 9 - June 15.
An exhibition/competition open to all visual artists in the area.
The judge and juror of the exhibition is Ellen Ball, longtime Hickory resident and Executive Director of the Caldwell Arts Council in Lenoir. She is a lifelong artist who has created metal-smithed jewelry for almost two decades. She also has taught classes at various locations in the region and has been an active member of the area arts community for years.
Our congratulations to the winners:
First prize: The Tofu Eaters, by Karen Parker; Second prize: How'd That Flic'n Work Out, by Alan Darveaux; Third prize: Proposal, by Diana Peeler. Honorable mentions: Rainbow Bridge, by L. Michelle Bitler, Lopi Cardigan, by Camantha Corsi, The Veteran, by Clay James, Micro Editor, by Nana Mae: Poppies on My Mind, by Carol Turner.
An exhibition/competition open to all visual artists in the area.
The judge and juror of the exhibition is Ellen Ball, longtime Hickory resident and Executive Director of the Caldwell Arts Council in Lenoir. She is a lifelong artist who has created metal-smithed jewelry for almost two decades. She also has taught classes at various locations in the region and has been an active member of the area arts community for years.
Our congratulations to the winners:
First prize: The Tofu Eaters, by Karen Parker; Second prize: How'd That Flic'n Work Out, by Alan Darveaux; Third prize: Proposal, by Diana Peeler. Honorable mentions: Rainbow Bridge, by L. Michelle Bitler, Lopi Cardigan, by Camantha Corsi, The Veteran, by Clay James, Micro Editor, by Nana Mae: Poppies on My Mind, by Carol Turner.
Twelfth Annual Tiny Art Show March 21-April 20, 2024
Forty-one artists entered a total of 144 small artworks in a variety of media. Judge for the competition was well-known artist Hunter Speagle, owner of the ATAC gallery in Hickory. Congratulations to the winners: First prize: Sick Like Audrey Hepburn, by Mary Geraldine
Second prize: Zinnias by the Stream, by Diana Peeler, Third prize: Hotel, The Westin Poinsett, by Renee Abernethy-Miller, Honorable mentions: Resting a Bit, by Clay James, Sea Prince and the Fire Child, by Miss Lady Ha Ha, Secret Man 2, by Savannah Carson Miller, Valley Mist - Dog Walk Series, by Karen Parker, Keith Richards, by Tonja Smith The People's Choice award went to Otis by the Pool, also by Tonja Smith.
At the same time Full Circle Arts displayed Tiny Art by students of four area schools, Longview Elementary, Grandview Middle, Northview Middle, and Hickory Career & Arts Magnet High School.
Forty-one artists entered a total of 144 small artworks in a variety of media. Judge for the competition was well-known artist Hunter Speagle, owner of the ATAC gallery in Hickory. Congratulations to the winners: First prize: Sick Like Audrey Hepburn, by Mary Geraldine
Second prize: Zinnias by the Stream, by Diana Peeler, Third prize: Hotel, The Westin Poinsett, by Renee Abernethy-Miller, Honorable mentions: Resting a Bit, by Clay James, Sea Prince and the Fire Child, by Miss Lady Ha Ha, Secret Man 2, by Savannah Carson Miller, Valley Mist - Dog Walk Series, by Karen Parker, Keith Richards, by Tonja Smith The People's Choice award went to Otis by the Pool, also by Tonja Smith.
At the same time Full Circle Arts displayed Tiny Art by students of four area schools, Longview Elementary, Grandview Middle, Northview Middle, and Hickory Career & Arts Magnet High School.
Artists entered works in which manipulation of paper is the major part of the work. The show includes collage, folding, quilling, cutting and pasting. The judge was Linda Harvey, an expert in handmade paper, who conducts workshops at the Rock School Foundation in Valdese.
Congratulations to the winners: First: The Reinvention of Uncle Eric, by Kathryn Regel Second: Renaissance Woman, by Beth Oczkowski Third: Autumn Branch, by Diana Peeler Honorable Mentions: Meanwhile, Back in Hickory, by John & Karin Koval Nine Cousins, by Dorothy Maguire collage The Wrath of God, by Chris Parsons Go Fishing, by Maria Register People's Choice: Pride, by Beth Oczkowski
Congratulations to the winners: First: The Reinvention of Uncle Eric, by Kathryn Regel Second: Renaissance Woman, by Beth Oczkowski Third: Autumn Branch, by Diana Peeler Honorable Mentions: Meanwhile, Back in Hickory, by John & Karin Koval Nine Cousins, by Dorothy Maguire collage The Wrath of God, by Chris Parsons Go Fishing, by Maria Register People's Choice: Pride, by Beth Oczkowski
Colors of Autumn - Oct. 26 - Dec. 2
The theme of the show is colors for the autumn season. More than 20 artists entered their art, both representational and non-objective. The judge was Gabe Wilson, curator for exhibitions and collections at Blowing Rock Art & History Museum. Each prize is accompanied by a medal created by FCA member Chris Parsons. "Colors of Autumn" will be on display Oct. 26 through Dec. 2. People's Choice award goes to "Childhood Reflections" by Kathryn Regel. |
Eleventh Annual Tiny Art show, July 28—Sept. 2, 2023
A display of 81 very small but elegant works of art, most of them for sale at affordable prices. Congratulations to the winners: First prize: Purple Dunes by Chris Witherspoon, alcohol ink, Second prize: Testing the Water by Judy Rider, watercolor, Third prize: See Rock City by Christopher Parsons, mixed media, Honorable mentions: Small Lotus by Janice Harris, mixed media, Hocus Pocus by Millie Hefner, needle felt, Amy's Kitchen by Amy Nasta, wood, paper, fabric, Small Unknown by Ellen Schwarzbek, colored pencil and cold wax on canvas, Star Filled Night at Grandfather by Karla Jane Starnes, yarn painting. Our thanks to the judge, Kristina Anthony, Exhibitions Manager at Hickory Museum of Art and also President of the Board of Directors for Rock School Arts Foundation in Valdese. We also thank Avery Bumgarner for providing some lovely jazz tunes at the Thursday evening preview reception. |
Pop-up show of art by FCA exhibiting members, June 23 – July 8
The show displays a variety of media, watercolor, paint, collage, photography, fiber. The image shows Ellen Schwarzbek and Janice Harris with their art, plus watercolors by Meredith Janssen and photos by L. Michelle Bitler. There are also artworks by Ernie Sills, Kathryn Regel, and Chris Parsons. |
Seeing Circles: Art by Full Circle Arts members, May - June, 2023.
FCA associate and exhibiting members showed their art at the Hiddenite Art & Heritage Center, Lucas Mansion, in Hiddenite, NC. Our thanks to Allison Houchins and everyone else at the Hiddenite Center for inviting Full Circle Arts to show our art. Those participating were L. Michelle Bitler, Genie Greenlaw, Janice Harris, Clay James, Meredith Janssen, Walt McGervey, Karen Parker, Chris Parsons, Ellen Schwarzbek, Ernie Sills |
Full Circle Arts annual members' meeting, June 20. L. Michelle Bitler, Chris Parsons, and Ernest Sills were reelected board members, Clay James and Kathryn Regel were also elected. Officers for 2023-24 are Ellen Schwarzbek, President, L. Michelle Bitler, Vice-President, Chris Parsons, Secretary.
FCA's indoor "Yart" sale, June 10, 16, 17 raised over $200.
Our thanks to all the generous donors and volunteers who helped make the sale success. Most items not sold were donated to other non-profit organizations. A few items may appear in FCA's auction in September.
Our thanks to all the generous donors and volunteers who helped make the sale success. Most items not sold were donated to other non-profit organizations. A few items may appear in FCA's auction in September.
`Spring Competition, April 27 - June 3.
The Spring Competition includes 25 artists from the area. There is no specific theme for the show, so all ideas are expressed in all sorts of media: painting, photography, glass art, paper, wood, collage.
Sponsors are Douglas Bishop, CPA, Meredith Janssen, L. Michelle Bitler, and Allen Finley Advertising.
The show was judged by Bud Caywood, a long-time furniture designer, visual artist, and poet who has won awards and has judged art exhibitions throughout North Carolina. Winners listed with the judge’s comments:
First Place: “Space #7”, by Clay James
“Can a painting breathe? Can it move you?
Can it draw you into some elevated vantage you’ve never visited?
Can it reel you into a place you’ve never dreamed of?
I found that painting!”
Second Place: “Kayaker in the Mist”, by Jill Jarrell
“There are always places I want to go to!
Places I want to experience and then dream about.
To know that the experience speaks to me.
I know this place.
I have been to this place.
I will return again and again.”
3rd Place: “Innocence”, by Beth Ocakowski
“The way she looks at me comforts me.
I am certain that the way she speaks, and acts will comfort me as well.
Who is she? What kind of person is she?
I feel like we have already met.”
Honorable Mention:
“Dutch Tattoo Model”, by Ken Harbert, “Evening Bliss”, by Chris Witherspoon, “Mornings Twilight” by Chris Witherspoon, “You, the Sea, and I”, by Kristy Lee "Daybreak - Cypress Swamp”, by Meredith Janssen, “Horse in Status”, by John Murgo
“Honorable Mention” is always the toughest category to interpret.
It conjures up unique emotional responses to the challenges and decisions
I have to make. And that is what I most noted to myself.
In reviewing these works I responded to a range of competencies and imagination,
from florals and still lifes to abstracts and landscapes to photographs.
Congratulations to ALL who have exhibited in this exhibition! Bud Caywood
The Spring Competition includes 25 artists from the area. There is no specific theme for the show, so all ideas are expressed in all sorts of media: painting, photography, glass art, paper, wood, collage.
Sponsors are Douglas Bishop, CPA, Meredith Janssen, L. Michelle Bitler, and Allen Finley Advertising.
The show was judged by Bud Caywood, a long-time furniture designer, visual artist, and poet who has won awards and has judged art exhibitions throughout North Carolina. Winners listed with the judge’s comments:
First Place: “Space #7”, by Clay James
“Can a painting breathe? Can it move you?
Can it draw you into some elevated vantage you’ve never visited?
Can it reel you into a place you’ve never dreamed of?
I found that painting!”
Second Place: “Kayaker in the Mist”, by Jill Jarrell
“There are always places I want to go to!
Places I want to experience and then dream about.
To know that the experience speaks to me.
I know this place.
I have been to this place.
I will return again and again.”
3rd Place: “Innocence”, by Beth Ocakowski
“The way she looks at me comforts me.
I am certain that the way she speaks, and acts will comfort me as well.
Who is she? What kind of person is she?
I feel like we have already met.”
Honorable Mention:
“Dutch Tattoo Model”, by Ken Harbert, “Evening Bliss”, by Chris Witherspoon, “Mornings Twilight” by Chris Witherspoon, “You, the Sea, and I”, by Kristy Lee "Daybreak - Cypress Swamp”, by Meredith Janssen, “Horse in Status”, by John Murgo
“Honorable Mention” is always the toughest category to interpret.
It conjures up unique emotional responses to the challenges and decisions
I have to make. And that is what I most noted to myself.
In reviewing these works I responded to a range of competencies and imagination,
from florals and still lifes to abstracts and landscapes to photographs.
Congratulations to ALL who have exhibited in this exhibition! Bud Caywood
Reflections March 9 - April 8, 2023.
A competition / exhibition open to all visual artists in the area using photographic media
Artists have been asked to look for reflected images in the world around them.
The judge is Jeffrey Wilhelm. Wilhelm took up photography while studying engineering at NC State. He was a Photographers Mate in the Navy in Spain and on the USS Saratoga aircraft carrier until 1983, then a photojournalist on staff of the Charlotte Observer. He retired as a photo editor in 2014 and continues to photograph for himself and his friends.
First prize: Reflected Refractions by Meredith Janssen Second prize: Downtown Underworld by D.D. Weaver Third prize: Flashy by John Koval
Honorable mentions: Bruges - Venice of the North by Amanda Tyler McGuire, Ghost Gator by Amanda Tyler McGuire Reflections of Bergen by Kathryn Regel.
A competition / exhibition open to all visual artists in the area using photographic media
Artists have been asked to look for reflected images in the world around them.
The judge is Jeffrey Wilhelm. Wilhelm took up photography while studying engineering at NC State. He was a Photographers Mate in the Navy in Spain and on the USS Saratoga aircraft carrier until 1983, then a photojournalist on staff of the Charlotte Observer. He retired as a photo editor in 2014 and continues to photograph for himself and his friends.
First prize: Reflected Refractions by Meredith Janssen Second prize: Downtown Underworld by D.D. Weaver Third prize: Flashy by John Koval
Honorable mentions: Bruges - Venice of the North by Amanda Tyler McGuire, Ghost Gator by Amanda Tyler McGuire Reflections of Bergen by Kathryn Regel.
Competition/exhibition Cool, Cool, Cool January 29 to February 18, 2023, Art related to a season of cool.
Congratulations to the winners First: Footprints in the Snow, by Matthew Strawn; Second: The Coolest Chick in Town, by Vyvyan L. Dunne; Third: Forecast: A Skiff of Snow in Higher Elevations, by Judy Rider
Honorable mentions: Farmer Hubbard Was Caught Off Guard As Jack Frost Skipped Through His Pumpkin Patch at Dawn, by Cinders;
Outrageous, by Lesli Garvett; After the Ice Storm, by Meredith Janssen
Judge for the show was Thomas Thielemann, Director / Instructor of the Visual Arts Program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Congratulations to the winners First: Footprints in the Snow, by Matthew Strawn; Second: The Coolest Chick in Town, by Vyvyan L. Dunne; Third: Forecast: A Skiff of Snow in Higher Elevations, by Judy Rider
Honorable mentions: Farmer Hubbard Was Caught Off Guard As Jack Frost Skipped Through His Pumpkin Patch at Dawn, by Cinders;
Outrageous, by Lesli Garvett; After the Ice Storm, by Meredith Janssen
Judge for the show was Thomas Thielemann, Director / Instructor of the Visual Arts Program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute